Life is Beautiful

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

c'est la vie

There are a lot of things I want to/should write about because it's been a little while and life has been pretty exciting as of late (say hello to the new Mrs. Greer- it's a little weird to see in writing, but I'm loving every minute of it). But.

So we got married. and with marriage comes presents. For the most part, we got a pretty good haul, not too many things we didn't register for, nothing too weird and it was nice to be able to take most of the stuff we didn't want and get monies for it (hey there, $700+ for Target). However. there's always a rogue gift. and our rogue gift is from Hell.

But first, a story: Once upon a time, Casey served a mission in Tulsa Oklahoma. and after said mission, Casey decided to live with some of his mission companions/people who served in his mission. In theory, this was an excellent idea. In practice, not so much. For privacy sake, we shall call one of these companions 'Cheap 'N Tacky'. Now, we didn't know that Cheap 'N Tacky was cheap and tacky until we got married, but we did know after spending about 10 minutes with him that Cheap 'N Tacky likes to talk about himself. a lot.

Anyways, back to our story. Cheap 'N Tacky got married the same day we did (May 14th :) and came with his new bride to our open house here in Utah. We said hello to them in line, everything was cheery and there was no mention of The Gift.
Later that evening, Casey and I started opening our gifts and were having a jolly old time until we opened the present from Cheap 'N Tacky.

The first sign this was going to be bad was the card, featured below.

Yes, my friends, this is a used card. Cheap 'N Tacky ripped out what was written to him and his wife, wrote a note to use on the left side and tried to make it look okay by writing, 'ps- I'm not sure what happened to the card...'.
So this is bad, right? and I thought after opening the card that maybe they were just trying to be funny (even though their note gives no indication of such) and they would make up for their tacky-ness with a nice gift.

No. No.No.No.No.No.No.No.No.No.No.

This was the present. WARNING: the following image is sinful and formerly belonged to Satan.

Where to begin? This thing is awful and straight out of Satan's kitchen. and sadly, it looks worse in the box than on the outside. From the classy price tag in the top right corner to the small piece of tape with gift wrap still attached (not pictured), this thing easily takes the cake of the worst gift I've ever gotten, which is saying a lot because my Grandma Long was notorious for giving bad gifts. Where the heck did they get this thing? Who makes this? Why do they make this? Doesn't Satan miss his cookie jar? WHO EVEN LIKES CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP? WTF?
and more importantly, who gives this as a wedding gift? I mean, I could understand if close friends of ours had given it as a gag gift, but also gave us/did something nice, but Cheap 'N Tacky? I would have preferred the $2.75 they may or may not have spent of the bag and tissue paper (it was hard to determine if that too was used) than this. W.T.F.

However, there is a silver lining. Initially, I didn't know what to do with it. I felt too guilty to give it to D.I. and throwing it away just didn't seem like it would give me the satisfaction I needed. So solution: we told dear friends of ours about this gift and guess what their newest hobby is?


we've been wanting to go with them for months and now, I have more motivation to go than ever. To be able to shoot this sinful piece of junk will give more satisfaction than words can express. Thank you Jill and Woody. I could kiss you both.

So that's that. Sometimes, life is just funny and you have to laugh, you know?

In other news, married life is great. I've never been happier.

and we bought a fish!! His name is Jaws and I love him. here's a picture so you can love him too.

and now, to play Halo Reach with Casey. I love spouse bonding time :)