Life is Beautiful

Friday, January 22, 2010

Confetti rainfall in a quiet street: The beauty is in what you make it

It's 12:45. I'm supposed to be sleeping, but my mind is running instead so thus, I write. Have you ever had moments where there's nothing you want more than to just see into the future a bit? maybe 5 years? 2 years? 1 year? 6 months? just to know what lies ahead? I'm in one of those moments right now. I want to see where my life is going, how everything turns out and most importantly, when it all happens. I can make it through the now if I could just see the eventually.

Earlier this evening, I had a conversation that changed my life. I doubt this person knew it at the time (although I assure you they know now), but it was one of those moments where I saw something that I had never seen before, a glimpse of something that could be part of my future, something that I would eagerly work towards just to have, even if for a small moment. And now, I can't get it out of my mind (hello 1:15 am) and what's more, I don't want to. I'm content with dreaming my dreams, with thinking of what could be, because it makes me happier than I've been in a long time. As I was talking with this person, I felt myself live for the future, live for what I don't know yet, but will know when the time comes and live because I knew I couldn't let chance pass me by.I'm usually a fairly passive person and yet, my heart would not have passivity. I know that I can't throw in the towel on this one. My heart, my dreams refuse to admit defeat. There's too much at stake, too much that I want out of life and I'm willing to give up most whatever it takes for this chance, where I know I would find happiness.This same friend said something I found quite profound: day by day, our dreams will happen before our eyes. And as far as I'm concerned, he's perfectly right. There's nothing keeping me from living my dreams, absolutely nothing. Life is in my hands; it is whatever I make it. Yes, money is a beast, location gets in the way, people sometimes frustrate, and reality has a bitter taste. But those are just obstacles that I know I can overcome. I have lived my life solving it; now I want to live my life loving it, taking everything that comes and living out my dreams.

I still can't see into the future, that unfortunately hasn't changed. But this doesn't leave me helpless. I have no idea where I will be, but with these dreams, I have a fairly good idea of what I want to work for, where I want to orient my life, and above all, the happiness that I know is within my reach. And now, goodnight :)

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