Life is Beautiful

Monday, February 1, 2010

So This is the New Year

I'm usually quite dedicated to New Year's Resolutions, though I have no idea why. For the past 10ish years of my life, I have written down a list of resolutions the night of New Year's Eve (parties in Ivana's clubhouse on New Year's Eve? bahahaha) and kept them posted somewhere in my room where I can see them on a daily basis. But for whatever reason, I was a bit of a slacker this year and kept telling myself that I would get around to it when I got around to it.
And then the month of January happened. As beautiful and happy as January was, there were a few pitfalls and trying moments. But that's okay because that's how life is sometimes.
So here I sit (actually, honesty time: I'm laying down) with resolutions in mind that I'm going to write down and do my best to adhere to. I think there's something rewarding in resolutions because they're completely up to you and whatever you feel like becoming in this next year. I'm ambitious, I want to change and fingers crossed, these resolutions will help me do so. So, in no particular order, here are my resolutions:

- be more patient
- have more meaningful prayer and scripture study
- play the piano more often because I miss it. a lot.
- eat better and keep up with Jillian (level 3?)
- be on top of my studies and give it everything I've got (yes, that means you, Spanish)
- be more understanding of others and their situations
- paint/sketch more :)
- look past myself and give whatever I can to those who need it more
- read the newspaper and keep up with world events (Yahoo! news just doesn't cut it these days)
- spend more time with my dogs
- have a better relationship with the Lord and seek more earnestly to do His will
- establish more regular sleeping patterns aka SLEEP
- look for gratitude in everything so I don't miss out on life
- tell my family that I love them
- learn to sew

There's no distance to hold me back- let the new year begin :)

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