Life is Beautiful

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Love Today

I've not been much of a blogger. It is true that I have a few posts on a rather Legit blog, but aside from that, I've always found blogging to be a bit of a waste of time. There's an ego that goes with blogging that I find quite disdainful and upsetting. And yet, here I am, blogging. There's a reason for my conversion; simply because I want to write. I know this may sound silly, but that's why I'm sitting here typing now. I know I won't be able to change the world through this blog, I know that whatever influence I have will be incredibly minimal. To be perfectly frank, I don't much care who reads what I write, but my hope is that whoever does by chance (or fluke) will be happy and influenced for the good because of a thought or idea. I'm going to try my best to always be happy when I write; I can't guarantee this as we all have our pitfalls and whatnot, but that's the goal. I going to try to glean a lesson whenever I can, to see the good in life because life is good. There is no way I can think otherwise.

So here's to happiness, goodness and life- it starts :)