Life is Beautiful

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lo and Behold

Do you ever have those days when you realize some people are really smart? I had that about 10 minutes ago. Some of you may remember that I took a Meso-American Art History class a few semesters ago and that it was the bane of my existence. For whatever reason, that class really stuck with me: I can remember most of what I learned, I have since read up on stuff, and despite how much I complained about it, I think it was actually one of my favourite classes that I took at BYU.

Annnnyways, I was checking up on Yahoo! news like I do and I stumbled upon this article. I was kinda excited like the nerd I am and clicked on it for an interesting read... but then I realized that I ALREADY KNEW THIS (at this point, I was like, "...idiots..." and went to the next article about Lea Michelle's daring dress at the Do Something Awards). How did I know this? BECAUSE MY TEACHER MENTIONED THIS IN CLASS 2 YEARS AGO.

So. Either my teacher has the superpower of time travel. OR. he's just that smart. I'm pretty sure it's the latter. It just made me appreciate really smart people and really smart teachers who share their insights with their classes and really know what they're talking about. In teaching, it's easy to pretend you know what's up because your students usually don't question your knowledge, but the more I read up on Maya History, the more I am grateful for this teacher, for his diligence and love of his subject and that he taught based on his own personal experience. I know he probably doesn't remember me, but I have a lot of respect for Dr. Christensen and I think some time, I'll write him a little note and tell him just that.

other random thing(s): my mom lately has been on a HUGE Glee kick and has been sending me tons of music from previous seasons. I don't really watch Glee, but I must confess that I'm kinda enjoying all this good stuff. I'm a lot a bit in love with Kurt's voice and when he sings, "Don't Cry For Me Argentina", it makes me cry. I'm not a huge fan of Rachel's voice because she's kinda whiney/airy, but her "Poker Face" duet with Idina Menzel is pretty freaking amazing. SPEAKING OF IDINA MENZEL, if you're a fan, you should check out her new CD, "Live Barefoot at the Symphony". It's quite delightful :)

one more thing. this. i know it's sad, what with the whole great piece of art being ruined thing. but i died laughing. priceless.

that's all :)

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