Life is Beautiful

Friday, September 17, 2010

Feeling Lucky

I SHOULD be studying for me Humanities 242 test, which is in 3 hours. Should. but instead, I'm sitting in the Wilk, sharing a table with a charming older woman (coveting her baked potato and praying she doesn't open her huge bag of corn nuts), drinking chocolatey milk, and watching girls get their hair cut for Locks of Love on the stage in the terrace (welcome to BYU).

This week has been an interesting one, I've learned a lot, made a few mistakes and spent most of my time on my knees. I've fixed a few bridges and learned how to build new ones. I've fallen in love with a few of my classes (hello Humanities 420) and realized that school isn't always fun, even when you have the best major (whatup Humanities 242...). I've had the talks that have started things in good directions and I've realized that I can balance, I can do what I need to and that the Lord is with me every step of the way.

and this girl on the stage has beautiful, thick curly hair and she's about to chop it all off. I feel like I should stop her. Anyways, the point of all this is that life is still beautiful, I'm happy with how things are, I can see the direction I want things to go and I know that I can do it. I know there's little stumbling blocks along the way but they're nothing I can't jump over and land gracefully.

I also love the song 'Promise the Stars' by We The Kings. you should all listen to it. now. :)

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