I don't think it's news to anyone that I tend to obsess over new music or songs that just really capture all my attention. like really obsess. to the point where I get into the triple digits of listening to a song in about a 3-month span. I can't explain why I do this and I know it must drive my roommates, boyfriend and family insane, but I can't seem to help myself. I just have to keep listening. I have to know what else there is to hear in the song. and I have to hear everything. apparently multiple times (more like multiples of multiples).
So now I'm certain you're wondering what my latest obsession is. and rest assured, I'm going to tell you.
Song: Undisclosed Desires
Artist: Muse
Play Count (iPod+Lula):119
Background story: When I was in Spain this past summer (which I still haven't written about...oops...), I went to a Muse concert with a few kids in my grupo. and it completely blew my mind. Between the soccer stadium environment, the amazing sound system, the lights, the blimp, the huge balloons, the streamers, the beautiful instrument, the improved songs, and his sexy sexy voice (yeah, I said it.), I was in love with everything Muse, more than before, which is hard to imagine but it's 100% genuine truth.
So I come back to America and buy their latest album, 'The Resistance'. and that's where this song comes from. and I'm in love. I wish I knew how to describe it, what it's like when I listen to this song. Something like a blend of beauty, sensuality, and pure expression. I want to move with it and let it fill me through and through. It is by far the most bizarre and yet completely addicting feeling. The constant drums, the heavy pulsing beat, the impassioned voice, the beautiful lyrics, the subtle violins, the strong bass guitar, the sounds I can't identify. It screams at me in the most unreserved and demanding way. and I love it.
What does this say about me? I haven't the slightest idea nor do I want to delve in to it too much. Just know that I love this song, and I hope you do too. Actually, the whole album is all sorts of goodness; 'I Belong to You', 'United States of Eurasia' and 'Exogenesis Symphony: Part 3' are other favourites. but it really is all beautiful. so give it a listen when you have the chance :)
enjoy :)
and yes, my play count went up to 124 while I was writing this. thanks for asking.
and yes, I am supposed to be writing a paper for Southern Meso-American. fancy that...